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  1. Child Care is limited to 20 hours a week, 14 hours only can be used during the normal working week, 7 hours a day during work week. No limits on Saturdays.
  2. We are licensed to care for children aged 12 months to 12 years of age.
  3. Children with symptoms of a communicable disease or those in quarantine due to possible exposure may not attend Kids Kingdom.
  4. Children must be fever-free (without medication) for 24 hours before coming to Kids Kingdom.
  5. Children with a fever of 100.4 F or more, two loose stools during stay, or vomiting will be asked to be picked up within 1 hour of a call from staff at Kids Kingdom.
  6. We may need to contact a parent during a child’s stay. We ask that you be available to answer your cell phone if contacted.
  7. Late charges apply for picking up children after closing time. The fee is $5 per minute for one child, $10 a minute for two or more children, for every minute late for the first offense. The second offense leads to a 2-week suspension.
  8. If someone other than a person listed on your registration form is to pick up, this must be confirmed by a phone call, and the person picking up must present identification.
  9. Children are to remove shoes upon entering the play area.
  10. Due to licensing restrictions, only staff and children attending Kids Kingdom are permitted in the play area.
  11. We offer meals, snacks, and drinks for purchase, or children may bring food from home (nut-free).
  12. Licensing rules require that children here 3 hours or more must be offered a snack. This will be at the parent’s cost if no snacks were brought in.
  13. Children will be encouraged to take a nap; however, it is not required.
  14. Children may not bring toys from home. An electronic device can be brought if a waiver is signed.
  15. Time-out is one of the discipline strategies we use (1 minute per child’s age). Other strategies are used first. Several repeated offenses may lead to suspension or expulsion.
  16. For a severe behavior infraction like biting, hitting, spitting, or elopement, children will be asked to be picked up immediately. Repeated offenses may lead to suspension or expulsion.
  17. Any parent appearing intoxicated when picking up a child will be asked to provide another driver before the child is released.
  18. If payment is not made on the day of care provided, a late charge of $5 a day applies after 24 hours.
  19. Parents are requested to give an approximate pick-up time; calls to extend a child’s stay are not necessary (within the 7-hour limit).
  20. If there are no children in the center, we may close 2 hours prior to closing time.
  21. If you would like to view our Emergency Plan, please let a staff member know.
  22. Failure to follow center policies may lead to suspension or expulsion from the service.


  1. We have steam-cleaned carpets.
  2. We have had air conditioning serviced and changed filters.
  3. We have cleaned every single toy and surface in the center.
  4. We have implemented a cleaning regime that is CDC compliant.
  5. Staff changes will be kept to a minimum.
  6. Staff will wear masks and check temperatures before starting work.
  7. We ask all adults entering the center to wear masks.
  8. Staff and children will use hand sanitizer before entering and exiting the center.
  9. Staff will ensure children’s hands are washed effectively before eating and after using the bathroom.
  10. The number of children at the center will be kept to a minimum.
  11. Play areas have been set up to ensure social distancing.



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